Monday, November 2, 2009


Compiled by Dr. T. Barik
Associate Professor,
Department of Agronomy, CA,
OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.

Some people are more genius than others because they have the genetic potentiality. Do you agree with this statement? Well, many of you will certainly agree. And you may like to add some more points why those people are more genius than others. But if you go deeper into the statement you will also sense that there is a negative message in it for many of you. By accepting the above you're absolutely killing your chances of success and happiness. And this may ultimately end in leaving you in a condition where you become satisfied with what you are now in comparison to those people. That’s why I want to tell that you also have the potentiality to elevate yourself to their level. You may tell that it will require lot of labour and strenuous exercises. But your guess is wrong because what I am going to tell you do not require the above two things. Then what is it? It is the “Programming/reprogramming of your subconscious mind”.
If you already know what it is, that’s fine, and then this article is not for you and stop reading it now. For others I am to tell that our mind has two parts, conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind has a critical faculty. Therefore it can differentiate between right and wrong. This is reverse in case of subconscious mind. The former takes part in our conscious activities. But the latter works without our knowledge. We use the conscious mind to speak etc, the subconscious deals with the automatic actions of our blood circulation and breathing as well as being the imaginative area of the mind. It stores every thing for future use. It stores all of your thoughts, attitudes, emotions and experiences. It is the inner wisdom of a person. It works either when we are conscious or unconscious. It accepts things without our knowledge. But whatever it accepts it is accepted as the requirement of that person. Suppose you did not want to attend one marriage party. This desire was so strong and you thought over it in such an environment that it was fed to your subconscious mind in an affirmatory way. Thus your subconscious mind accepted it as your objective and tried to create such situations so that you were actually not able to attend the same. Either you suffered from fever or met with an accident just before the party. If any such thing has happened to you, you may not believe that it was the work of your subconscious self.
I will give another example. You must have known the meaning of phobia, even if you might have not met any one suffering from such a disease. Why someone suffers from it? It is also due to the subconscious mind. Think of a child who was with her mother on the top of a roof. Suddenly a big bird flew over there for which the mother screamed. This incident was received in the subconscious mind of the child that birds are dangerous. This imprint in the subconscious mind may be expressed when the child has, say, grown up to the age of thirty. At this time the aged person even if consciously accepts that all birds are not dangerous still then the presence of a small bird puts him/her in a terribly frightened condition known as phobia, may be in this case as bird phobia.
Now perhaps I have been able to give you some idea about our subconscious mind. From the above examples you may think that this part of our mind is very dangerous. In fact it is true if it is programmed in a negative way. From the above portion of the article you may assume that the subconscious mind receives some messages in an automatic or unknown manner, and whatever it receives is stored inside over years and it may dominate over the conscious mind and may create havocs. But the main purpose of the article is to inform you that techniques have been developed to feed the subconscious mind with messages which can give you tremendous powers to be a superman. It has been proved that what ever is once written in the subconscious mind may not be erased but can be masked with new and very very powerful life changing commands. And this is known as programming of the subconscious mind. This can be synonymous with auto suggestion or positive thinking with which you may be very familiar. But you would have also experienced that your auto suggestions often do not work and the old programmes still dominate over the new ones. By the terms old programmes I mean to tell you about your attitudes regarding your own self. For example you may nurture the opinions like – “I could never do that”, “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m always sick”, “I’m unattractive”, “I’m always a loser”, “I can’t do well in interviews”, "I can't concentrate," - so on and so forth. The key to a more satisfying life is to overcome these negative beliefs. But, merely this knowledge is not enough even though you are one step ahead towards success by accepting it.
To materialize your positive thoughts into action you are to follow certain proven methods to have direct access to your subconscious mind. Out of the various ways some easier ways are: affirmation/auto suggestion, listening into subliminal messages or binaural beats. If you can practice auto suggestions in the proper way and at the proper mental state (the alpha state) subconscious mind will accept the suggestions. At this state your subconscious mind dominates over the conscious mind which still works.
I am going to give you another example. Suppose you want to recollect the name of a film for some purpose. But you are not able to do that even if you tried your best. But next day while you were coming out of the bathroom after finishing your bath the name of that film occurred to you. Have you faced any such incident and if yes have you wondered how you were able to recollect. You might have thought that sometimes your memory is failing and sometimes it is alright. But will you agree that your memory is nothing but you subconscious mind and it works when you are perfectly relaxed. This relaxed state is the alpha state. I know that you may not be fully satisfied with this much of explanation. You will certainly want to know and so I am going to tell you some scientific facts about how our mind works.
Our mind works at different waves at different times. Besides alpha (7-13 Hz) brain wave, the other brain waves include beta (13-40 Hz), theta (4-7 Hz) and delta (0.5-4Hz). The above ranges may vary a little as per other school of thoughts. But the truth is that when you are in beta, you are conscious and alert. When you are in theta, you are in a twilight state. You are not conscious. When you dream in your sleep, you are in theta. When you are in delta, you are sleeping. You are not aware of what’s happening because you are in an unconscious state of mind. Our mind usually remains at the alpha state for sometime just before we sleep and for sometime just after we wake up and therefore this is the best time for reprogramming the mind.
Binaural beats
Binaural beat's main objective is to use the power of sound and frequency to produce a reaction within the brain and create brain wave changes in the listener. It follows the same logic as deep meditation. In this process a headphone is used and sounds of two different frequencies are heard through the two ears. For example, if a 315 Hz sine wave is played into the right ear and a 325 Hz one into the left ear, the brain is entrained towards the beat frequency of 10 Hz (which is in the alpha range), the difference between the two frequencies. Such brain entrainment sounds could put one in the deep meditative state, say, within 10 - 15 minutes. To achieve such a state in meditation may take months or years. If you are fond of meditation you can achieve your success at a much less time if you use the binaural beats while meditating.
Subliminal message
“A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious mind and can negatively or positively influence subsequent later thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems and value systems. The term subliminal means "beneath a limen" (sensory threshold). This is from the Latin words sub, meaning under, and limen, meaning threshold” ( Such messages are supposed to have been misused by advertising companies so that persons hearing those will be prompted by their subconscious mind to purchase the particular products. It has been complained that some manless stores used the subliminal message “you are not a thief” behind the music played in such stores and have found that theft from such stores was reduced due to this. Such music were withdrawn following such complains. However self affirmation subliminal CDs from authentic sources could be used for programming the subconscious in a positive way.
Subconscious programming is exactly like setting an airplane on auto-pilot. Once your subconscious mind understands clearly what you want, it will draw the object of your desire to you and guide you to it automatically. Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate. The secret to success lies in controlling your thoughts. “Everything in the physical world is made of atoms. Atoms are made of energy. And energy is made of consciousness. Your thoughts not only matter, they create matter! Thought is where every material comes from.” Manifesting your goals and life dreams does not depend on your education or on your ethnicity or cultural heritage, and is in no way determined by your environment. It is only the result of how and what you think! When you learn to live from this level, you can spontaneously fulfill your every desire. You can create miracles. The master key is learning to think deliberately in the proper way! Don’t forget that setting your goals and intentions is a conscious exercise while achieving these goals is a subconscious one. So programme/reprogramme your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. To achieve this you must have to be in the right state of mind.
How to proceed in self affirmation
The topic will be incomplete if I don’t tell the procedures. Sit on a chair or lie on your bed comfortably without hands or legs crossed and ensure that you are not going to be disturbed during the coming 25-30 minutes. Close your eyes. Relax (alert relaxation) your body starting from the top of your head to the tip of the toes. This leads you to the alpha state. On the contrary you can do this when naturally you are in the alpha state. Mentally repeat your programming script, or tell your friend to read that, or hear that from a speaker/ headphone. After the script is finished tell yourself that your session is over and now it is the turn of the subconscious mind to act, and then open your eyes. That’s all. It’s so easy to programme your subconscious mind. You can do all these merely by hearing a recorded session. Just hear it 2-3 times a day for few (3 – 4) weeks. I bet you will get the desired results. It has been proved that only three things are necessary for your success. Those are: belief, action and persistency. Last but not the least intelligent persons do this more easily and in my view you are certainly one among them.
Example of affirmation script for personal success by Kenneth Koh:
“􀂙 I have great mental strength. I control my emotions. I have a vibrant mental health and it allows me to enjoy the process of acquiring my heart’s desire.
􀂙 I have my heart’s desire. Everything I set my mind to come to me according to plan. It happens every single time. I simply keep attracting more and better things into my life.
􀂙 I have tremendous persistence and determination. I am always and totally focused on my heart’s desire. I succeed because I am committed to what I want. I have mountain-moving faith operating in my life.
􀂙 I have great confidence. People like me, and I like people. I am a giver. I am concerned about others and seek to give to them. I am drawing to myself everyone I need to assist me in reaching my goals. I make friends easily. I am lovable and capable.
􀂙 I persist. I keep on keeping on. I am programmed for success. No matter what, I will never stop trying. I win.
􀂙 I am a person of passion and commitment. I succeed because I am dedicated to achievement. I reject mediocrity and am willing to stick at things until I prosper because I am so passionate about myself and my potential.
􀂙 I think big! My imagination is limitless. I will accomplish more in this life than I ever preciously dreamed possible. I am a “no limits” person. I stretch myself all the time.
􀂙 I am making it! I am convinced that I am a prime performer right now. I am a successibility thinker. Success is not a destination; it’s a journey. Therefore, I’ll persist no matter what.
􀂙 If it’s going to be, it’s up to me! I make things happen. I am totally responsible. I do not wait for anyone to solve my problems, make my life easier or create my success. I seek assistance, that’s for sure, but I never abdicate my leadership role in seeing my dreams come true.
􀂙 I focus on success. There really isn’t such a thing failure. My belief is that I learn and grow with every event of life. I succeed because I develop. Success is an attitude not an action. It’s an outlook, a mindset and I possess it, right here and now.
􀂙 I am a giver. I give to others that which I have abundantly received. To keep what I have I must give it away. I am a grateful person. I have received so much in life, now I pass some of it back to others.”
Condition your subconscious mind with a successful past experience and convert that experience into your new goal that you want to achieve. If you believe that you can do something, you often miraculously get some otherworld ability to do it.
N:B: Want to know more and practise? You can get a lot from internet, and much more if you are having an email ID. However, you can get some collected mp3 samples and reading materials from the author to just start your voyage. Such mp3s are not to be listened by those having a history of mental seizure / epilepsy / psychotic disorder, and when someone is engaged in works requiring careful attention like riding a bike etc. Hope your journey to success and happiness will start from your two ears.
N:B- Exact sentences of renowned authors have been included in the article to have their miraculous effects felt.